INSOMNIA THEATRE ... sleeping is for suckers!!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm bored

Hello... sorry I've been gone for a bit.

Busy busy

But now I'm pretty bored, so I wanted to chat. So, you want to know what I've been up to? No? Well too bad, I'll tell you anyways.

Since Thanksgiving, I've been hanging out in my new apt w/ my little kitty GUS. He is so cute, I have totally turned into one of those cat people who have their cat picture as the background on their computer and phone. Haha... he's cute, so o-well.

X-mas came and went. I spent a lot of $$$... and that's about it for that...

We had to put the family dog down (Tami) because she suddenly went paralyzed from the waist down. It was very sad... I miss her a lot.

Lets see... what else, what else.... I am still working at the same job.

OH! I started working on my book. I have written about 10 pages so far... but I deleted most of them hahaha. I need to get focused and get to work on it. I was browsing the recommendations gives me, and by reading the descriptions, I think to myself, come on... I can do this.... if these people get their stories published w/ the same lame plot lines, my lame plot lines can sure make it too. I just have to chant that to myself everyday...

Ummmmmm, yeah.... nothing real new. I have been doing a lot of reading... watching too much TV, like usual.

OK... guess that is it for the update. I hope to be back more now that I have a little more free time.


At 1:18 AM, Blogger Sheila West said...

Writing a book? I highly recommend Stephen King's On Writing for anyone attempting to write fiction. It's a gold mine.


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